Cooperative project

Through its activities, the cooperative will strive to enable:

• getting to know and connecting young businessmen of Serbia;

• supporting young people in running their own business and their faster development;

• lower costs in the business process;

• improving the quality of life;

As part of its operations, a branch of consumer cooperatives will be established, which will provide its members with incredible benefits

We will form a base by activities and cities, initiate cooperation within the association. Membership for those under the age of 35 is free, with the requirement that they have a registered business entity in the Republic of Serbia; U

For older businessmen aged 35 to 40, membership is limited and they will only be able to join if they have a guarantee from one of the members of the cooperative. 

All others over the age of 40 can become members of the Cooperative as follows: 
1. they must have the written consent of the members of the Cooperative (at least ten members) or 
2. to be volunteer mentors for their child or another member of the cooperative (obligatory mentoring contract

Older and experienced businessmen will volunteer to promote the cooperative, as well as to constantly seek various opportunities for young entrepreneurs from older businessmen, municipalities, cities, the state and Europe.
Concept creator of the project
The original creators of the project are young members of the Zinat cooperative, eager to prove themselves, who decided to stay in Serbia and start their own businesses.
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